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Membership 1 of 7

1. Application Process, Approval and Payment of Subscription

The Club welcomes applications for membership from anyone interested in rugby or the Club. The different classes of membership are detailed below.

Anyone wishing to be considered ("prospective member") must complete an application form

Each application must be supported by an existing Full member (Proposer) and another member (Seconder). If the application is for Full Membership or Over 18 and 16-18 Playing Membership, the Seconder must be a Full member. The Proposer and Seconder should know the prospective memberpersonally and it is the prospective member's responsibility in the first instance to find supporters. If the prospective member is not easily able to find supporters (for example is new to the area), they should contact one of the Office bearers or Committee members for advice or assistance.

Note:To be eligible for Full membership the prospective member (both Full Members and Non Playiing Full Member must

a. intend to play rugby for the Club or

b. have played for the Club and been a full member in the past or

c. have played and been a full member at another rugby club and now wish to join Lasswade or

d. have or had a substantial personal involvement (in time and effort) in the provision and development of rugby at the Club.


All applications for membership have to be approved and accepted at a Committee meeting. The Committee will decide on the appropriate membership category. The Committee can refuse an application for membership for good cause and subject to the Club's Constitution and existing legal requirements. If dissatisfied with the Committee's decision, the prospective member can ask for a written statement of reasons and if still dissatisfied can request a hearing by the Membership and Discipline Sub-Committee.

Payment of Subscription

Applicants who have been approved by Committee become members when they have paid the appropriate membership fee which can be paid at the Club bar, or by Standing Order.

Members who are approved by Committee after April 15 can pay their subscription at the existing rate and will be deemed to have paid for the following year. Membership fees thereafter are paid annually and become due immediately after the Annual General meeting (in June). Payment can also be made by standing order. Players MUST pay in full or set up a Standing Order arrangement BEFORE the first full fixture (i.e before the end of August). For Standing Order forms and information, click the relevant link at the head of this page. Payment by instalments by cash or cheque is no longer accepted.

A receipt will be issued on payment and should be retained until the membership card has been made available at the bar.